We found 420 items for you!

What is a prime number??


A. A number that cannot be exactly divided by any number other than itself and 1

B. A number that can be exactly divided by any whole number, itself and 1

C. A whole number greater than 1 that cannot be exactly divided by any whole number other than itself and 1

D. None of the Above

When should you not use a comma in a sentence??


A. When seperating items in a list

B. When listing two or more adjectives

C. Separating non-essential clauses (phrases) from the rest of the sentence

D. When there's a subject and pronoun before and after the conjunction

What is a progamming language??


A. A system of notation for writing computer programs

B. A unique langueage only used by computer processors

C. A language of communication between IT Wizards

D. A system used to give instructions to a computer

Which scientist discovered the law of gravity??


A. Albert Eintein

B. Pio Gama Pinto

C. Richard A. Muller

D. Isaac Newton